Legislators to be honored with Ballard/Thompson Award
By Peggy Watt
The Coalition will recognize open government efforts by two state legislators, Rep. Joan McBride (D-48) and Sen. Mark Miloscia (R-30), at an event to be scheduled during the 2018 legislative session.
The two sponsored two transparency-related bills that passed during the 2017 session. ESHB 1594 provided for additional training, consultation, and technology grants to help agencies improve their performance in responding to public records requests, and also authorized a study to consider a statewide online portal for submitting and tracking public records requests.
EHB 1595 allows default charges for copying electronic records (such as a scanning charge) and several related provisions, notably one stating that a “request for all records is not valid” so agencies can reject sweeping requests for every record, and can reject requests generated using bots.
The legislation was introduced after a year-long series of meetings and workshops with numerous stakeholders, including WashCOG representatives.
The Ballard/Thompson Award is named in honor of former Speaker of the House Clyde Ballard (R) and former Chief Clerk of the House, Representative and Senator Alan Thompson (D). Both are founding members of WashCOG and proponents of open government. The award goes to state legislators who have demonstrated outstanding dedication to the cause of open government during the previous legislative session.
Rep. Joan McBride, D-48 (Legislative photo)
Sen. Mark Miloscia, R-30 (Legislative photo)