2023 Sunshine Week battles government shadows

WashCOG is among many proponents of open access to government that are promoting Sunshine Week March 12 through 18, to shine light into the sometimes dark recesses of government secrecy.

sunshine week logo

Sunshine Week originated in 2005 by News Leaders Association (formerly the American Society of News Leaders) and has many partners in its promotions, notably the Society of Professional Journalists. Participating are media organizations around the country, as well as the National Archives, the U.S. Department of Justice, the National Freedom of Information Coalition and its many state affiliates, WashCOG among them. It’s why we’ve scheduled our annual Sunshine Breakfast for March 17, when we’ll recognize outstanding contributions to open government.

The Sunshine Week site includes guidance on how to file a records request, information on federal laws and resources for both journalists and educators, as well as a calendar of events (many of them virtual).

You will also find many of those resources for accessing information from Washington agencies here on the WashCOG website.


Sunshine Breakfast honors transparency efforts


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